:py:mod:`ansys.materials.manager.util.matml.matml_to_material` ============================================================== .. py:module:: ansys.materials.manager.util.matml.matml_to_material .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Provides a function to convert MatML entries into Material objects. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: ansys.materials.manager.util.matml.matml_to_material.convert_matml_materials .. py:function:: convert_matml_materials(materials_dict: Dict, transfer_ids: Dict, index_offset: int) -> Sequence[ansys.materials.manager.material.Material] Convert a list of materials into Material objects. :Parameters: **materials_dict:** dict of raw material data from a matml import **transfer_ids:** dict of material names and unique transfer ids **index_offset:** int to offset the material id (number) to avoid conflicts with already existing materials **Returns a list of Material objects** .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !!