
Provides the Material class.

Module Contents#



Provides a wrapper class for managing a material.

class ansys.materials.manager.material.Material(material_name: str, material_id: str = None, models: List[ansys.materials.manager._models._BaseModel] = None)#

Provides a wrapper class for managing a material.

This class associates a material ID with one or more properties and nonlinear material models.

Create an instance of a material.

Optionally specify a material ID, or other properties.


Name of the material.

material_idstr, optional

ID to associate with this material. The default is None.

modelsDict[str, _BaseModel]

Dictionary of nonlinear material models. Models are specified with their model codes (from the TB command) and the model object.

property name: str#

Name of the material.

property material_id: Optional[str]#

Material ID.

property uuid: str#

UUID (transfer ID), which is unique.

property models: List[_BaseModel]#

Currently assigned material models.

property reference_temperature: float#

Strain reference temperature for the model.

get_model_by_name(model_name: str) List[_BaseModel]#

Get the material model or models with a given model name.