
Module Contents#



Provides the piecewise linear model for a property.



ansys.materials.manager._models._common.piecewise_linear.TYPE_CHECKING = False#
class ansys.materials.manager._models._common.piecewise_linear.PiecewiseLinear(name: str, x: numpy.ndarray, y: numpy.ndarray)#

Bases: ansys.materials.manager._models._common._base._BaseModel

Provides the piecewise linear model for a property.

This class represents a property as a series of sample points between which the value is interpolated.

Create a piecewise linear model for a property.

Ensure that the two arrays x and y are both one dimensional and have the same number of elements.

This property is created in the default unit system of the solver. Ensure that you provide values in the correct units.

name: str

Name of the property to model as a constant.

x: np.ndarray

Values of the independent variable over which to model the property. Ensure that these values cover the range of interest for the simulation.

y: np.ndarray

Values of the property sampled at the points represented by the x array.

property name: str#

Name of the quantity modeled by the constant.

property x: numpy.ndarray#

Values of the x array.

property y: numpy.ndarray#

Values of the y array.

applicable_packages: SupportedPackage.MAPDL | SupportedPackage.FLUENT#
write_model(material: ansys.materials.manager.material.Material, pyansys_session: Any) None#

Write the model to MAPDL.

This method should make some effort to validate the model state before writing.

material: Material

Material object to associate with this model.

pyansys_session: Any

Configured instance of the PyAnsys session.

validate_model() Tuple[bool, List[str]]#

Perform pre-flight validation of the model setup.


First element is Boolean. True if validation is successful. If False, the second element contains a list of strings with more information.